
As we can no longer meet to discuss our paintings we are having an online critique session. Catherine Inglis, a local well know artist has agreed to critique our paintings and her wise words are included here for all members to read and learn from to benefit their own work. The members names are not displayed a these paintings are not yet complete

Walking by the Cow and Calf Rocks


Pastel, 15 x 10" ...more

Pre Lockdown on Saltaire Canal


My picture for critique
This is my original image but have taken the wall and shadow ideas from an art magazine.
The picture is in watercolour and measures 10” across x 7 1/2” down ...more



Venice, 380mm x 270mm, watercolour.
Think water reflections are not strong enough. ...more

Eller Ghyll


Please can you give me your opinion on this painting of Ellar Ghyll in Menston.
It is from my own photograph and is painted with hard and soft pastel on Canson Mitente Touch paper.
I like the wall and the foreground but I’m not at all happy with the foliage. I have been fiddling around and feel it may now be overworked. ...more



12 1/2 “wide and 8 1/2”down. Medium - watercolour ...more

No social distancing!”


12 1/2” wide and 8 1/2” down. Medium - watercolour ...more

Hardraw Force


It is Hardraw Force from my own photograph. It is painted with pastel on Canson paper.
I am not altogether happy with the fore ground. It doesn’t have the impact I wanted. ...more

Palette knife painting


It was painted in acrylic on primed paper, purely with a palate knife. There is no brushwork. I was using left over paint and experimenting. I would be grateful to hear Cath’s opinion. Thank you! ...more






Painted with pastel on Canson paper.
On the whole I am happy with the rose but have struggled with the leaves. ...more



I have been working on and off with this wave for about 2 years.
It’s acrylic on canvas. I keep over painting bits of it but it never looks any better.
I think I have lost all shape now.
I also think the sky colour is wrong.
I’m not sure if it can be rescued or whether I need to start again. ...more