As we can no longer meet to discuss our paintings we are having an online critique session. Catherine Inglis, a local well know artist has agreed to critique our paintings and her wise words are included here for all members to read and learn from to benefit their own work. The members names are not displayed a these paintings are not yet complete
Pre Lockdown on Saltaire Canal

My picture for critique
This is my original image but have taken the wall and shadow ideas from an art magazine.
The picture is in watercolour and measures 10” across x 7 1/2” down
This is my original image but have taken the wall and shadow ideas from an art magazine.
The picture is in watercolour and measures 10” across x 7 1/2” down
A very nice and uplifting watercolour.
This has a very nice composition and good perspective; the pathway works very well. The sky is well executed and reflected onto the canal.
The background trees may have benefitted with paler tints of yellows and greens and the trunks perhaps a little less dark as they are as the foreground trees. However, I do love the way the tree foliage is worked throughout.
A little note too that reflections should be similar in colour to the subject with lighter tones reflecting darker in water and darker tones, lighter.
The artist is not in fear of using her colours and getting the tonal values punchy but do take care to get the background recessional.
I like the way she has framed the foreground with the overhanging trees and been brave enough to add the suggestion of foliage to the right side, a composition such as this with the canal to the foreground corner needs something of interest to add a little weight and balance to the composition. The figures give great sense of scale and has she put in 3 separate groups – makes again for good composition, just a little more practice with proportion but this is a difficult subject and a lot of artists just avoid them. So, keep it up.
The shadows of the trees go nicely down the path fading a wee bit as they go but they do seem to stop where they go across the bank and to the water- I think I may have continued the reflections a little further into water of the canal.
A very pleasing painting. I do admire watercolourists.
This has a very nice composition and good perspective; the pathway works very well. The sky is well executed and reflected onto the canal.
The background trees may have benefitted with paler tints of yellows and greens and the trunks perhaps a little less dark as they are as the foreground trees. However, I do love the way the tree foliage is worked throughout.
A little note too that reflections should be similar in colour to the subject with lighter tones reflecting darker in water and darker tones, lighter.
The artist is not in fear of using her colours and getting the tonal values punchy but do take care to get the background recessional.
I like the way she has framed the foreground with the overhanging trees and been brave enough to add the suggestion of foliage to the right side, a composition such as this with the canal to the foreground corner needs something of interest to add a little weight and balance to the composition. The figures give great sense of scale and has she put in 3 separate groups – makes again for good composition, just a little more practice with proportion but this is a difficult subject and a lot of artists just avoid them. So, keep it up.
The shadows of the trees go nicely down the path fading a wee bit as they go but they do seem to stop where they go across the bank and to the water- I think I may have continued the reflections a little further into water of the canal.
A very pleasing painting. I do admire watercolourists.