As we can no longer meet to discuss our paintings we are having an online critique session. Catherine Inglis, a local well know artist has agreed to critique our paintings and her wise words are included here for all members to read and learn from to benefit their own work. The members names are not displayed a these paintings are not yet complete

Painted with pastel on Canson paper.
On the whole I am happy with the rose but have struggled with the leaves.
On the whole I am happy with the rose but have struggled with the leaves.
your rose is lovely. You have used your complimentary colours really by using the cool lilacs for the shadow areas and the warm yellows suggesting the sunlight hitting the petals. You have made for good tonal contrast in the centre of the rose too.
Using a green background with green leaves is always difficult. You could have given the leaves a little more of a fluid shape though as they do look a bit stiff. I like the way you have a lost edge on the left one and perhaps this could have worked well on right leaf too. Three leaves are better than two in a composition, a third leaf needed only to have been a suggestion.
Using a green background with green leaves is always difficult. You could have given the leaves a little more of a fluid shape though as they do look a bit stiff. I like the way you have a lost edge on the left one and perhaps this could have worked well on right leaf too. Three leaves are better than two in a composition, a third leaf needed only to have been a suggestion.