As we can no longer meet to discuss our paintings we are having an online critique session. Catherine Inglis, a local well know artist has agreed to critique our paintings and her wise words are included here for all members to read and learn from to benefit their own work. The members names are not displayed a these paintings are not yet complete

this is a lovely watercolour. Worked nicely in a limited pallet with great tonal values applied. You have achieved a good aerial perspective too.
The uncropped version of this painting works nicely because you have left space above the mast but with the cropped edition the mast will be into the mount when framed which you should avoid. The space was good above the mast.
The reflections of the mast on the water in the uncropped version work really well and the composition of painting is nicely balanced too.
The cropped version in my opinion has been cropped a little too much on both top and bottom of the image
For future reference, a good way to select where your crop marks need to be is to cut an old mount diagonally into 2 right angles. Clip one to one of the top corners of your image and the other to the opposite bottom corner . These you can then move to give you a pleasing ,visual idea of your composition, when happy, mark them.
I have cropped and attached my version for you to see.
I hope this helps
The uncropped version of this painting works nicely because you have left space above the mast but with the cropped edition the mast will be into the mount when framed which you should avoid. The space was good above the mast.
The reflections of the mast on the water in the uncropped version work really well and the composition of painting is nicely balanced too.
The cropped version in my opinion has been cropped a little too much on both top and bottom of the image
For future reference, a good way to select where your crop marks need to be is to cut an old mount diagonally into 2 right angles. Clip one to one of the top corners of your image and the other to the opposite bottom corner . These you can then move to give you a pleasing ,visual idea of your composition, when happy, mark them.
I have cropped and attached my version for you to see.
I hope this helps