As we can no longer meet to discuss our paintings we are having an online critique session. Catherine Inglis, a local well know artist has agreed to critique our paintings and her wise words are included here for all members to read and learn from to benefit their own work. The members names are not displayed a these paintings are not yet complete
Palette knife painting

It was painted in acrylic on primed paper, purely with a palate knife. There is no brushwork. I was using left over paint and experimenting. I would be grateful to hear Cath’s opinion. Thank you!
I like this one; it is vibrant with the blues and yellows complimenting each other. The warm reds and oranges peep through cooler colours used making it an interesting study. You have off centred the vase and made a balanced composition by this and your use of light.
Great contrast of background against the flowers and the pears, their nicely linked colours of lemon yellows and greens leads the eye along a rhythm, taking you on a journey through the painting. Some positive directional mark making with the knife too.
However, I think that you may have had some refraction to the flower stems where they entered the water and feel some reflections from the vase & pears onto the table surface may have added some extra interest.
A really pleasing piece of work.
Great contrast of background against the flowers and the pears, their nicely linked colours of lemon yellows and greens leads the eye along a rhythm, taking you on a journey through the painting. Some positive directional mark making with the knife too.
However, I think that you may have had some refraction to the flower stems where they entered the water and feel some reflections from the vase & pears onto the table surface may have added some extra interest.
A really pleasing piece of work.