As we can no longer meet to discuss our paintings we are having an online critique session. Catherine Inglis, a local well know artist has agreed to critique our paintings and her wise words are included here for all members to read and learn from to benefit their own work. The members names are not displayed a these paintings are not yet complete

12 1/2 “wide and 8 1/2”down. Medium - watercolour
Another nice watercolour from you.
You have composed the flowers very nicely and used colours that complement one another well.
It is always good to have odd numbers in composition and along with the purple pansies and the suggested yellow ones you have you have done just that.
You have achieved great tonal values and a worked a lovely wet in wet to the behind the blooms.
You have composed the flowers very nicely and used colours that complement one another well.
It is always good to have odd numbers in composition and along with the purple pansies and the suggested yellow ones you have you have done just that.
You have achieved great tonal values and a worked a lovely wet in wet to the behind the blooms.